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We've seen a great start to 2016. We closed 28 homes in January. Additionally, 46 homes are under contract and we're starting to see multiple offers come in. Today, I want to talk about some cool technology for buyers and sellers that we just introduced called Matterport.

As I look back over my listings, the most common piece of buyer feedback is that the floor plan didn't work for them. With today's technology, you know a lot about a house before you get into it, but you don't know the floor plan. Matterport is a 3D camera that gives you a dollhouse view of the house. You can also get an overhead view at the floor plan.

Matterport limits the number of showings, thus limiting the inconvenience for sellers. The people who do come to see your home already know the floor plan, so you will see more offers. Matterport also saves buyers a lot of time driving around looking at houses.

Matterport is a bit expensive, so many of my competitors won't have this technology for awhile. However, it is a really great tool. Take a look at this listing and see for yourself!

If you have any questions, give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!

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