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Expert Tips for Navigating the Real Estate Market

Our mission at Clancy Real Estate is to be your best resource for real estate advice. Whether you are a buyer, seller, or investor, our team of professionals can answer any questions you might have about real estate. Subscribe to this blog to get the latest news on local market trends and receive expert tips for buying or selling a home.

We’re Experts at Navigating Multiple Offers in Albany

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The Albany real estate market is super hot in certain areas and price points. We’re seeing tons of multiple offer situations. If you’re interested in selling, we can maximize your return. My team saves people hundreds of thousands of dollars, both on the buy side and the sell side. Why should you hire our team as opposed to another team? 

When you hire my team, you’ve got a guy in real estate. I have been lucky enough to meet with the CEO of Zillow, as well as members of Shark Tank. That’s because there are people in my life who I know, love, and trust that help make great things happen for me. We are here to make great things happen for you. 

We’ve got your back. We know you, we care about you, and we definitely want the best things for you. We don’t do anything for you that we wouldn’t do during our own real estate transactions. 

I recently had an interview with Time Warner Cable and one of their questions was, “How do you handle multiple offers?” How, as a buyer, can you get your offer accepted?  You can offer cash or waive inspections, but not everyone has cash and, personally, I never recommend skipping a home inspection. One thing you can do is write a personal letter about how much you love the home. Talk about how you will raise your family there: how the kids will play in the pool, how the dog will run around the backyard, and how much you’ll all enjoy the nearby trails. 

Small things like that really work. I had a seller who was a retired police officer, and he said that he absolutely wouldn’t take anything under $235,000. Guess what? A buyer wrote a letter about how much his kids loved the house, and this client accepted an offer under $235,000. 

We know all the ins and outs of real estate. We can help you if you are interested in buying or selling. Just give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you! 

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