In watching The Big Short, I was reminded of how often people make decisions based on their own self-interests instead of their clients’. At our firm, we do the opposite.
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Today, I wanted to talk about the movie The Big Short.
I watched it recently, and if you haven’t had the opportunity to see it, I recommend that you do. It’s about the late-aughts housing crisis, and it really made me think about how the deck is stacked against us as “small” guys. A recurring theme of this movie is how few people are out there that are genuinely looking out for your best interest.
I think that’s why people come to my firm—because we will watch out for your interests in real estate. Whenever someone has a huge amount of money on the table or a massive underlying incentive for something, corruption inevitably follows.
I want to promise you that if you do business with my firm, we will watch out for your best interests and treat you exactly as we would handle our own transactions. Just this past week, I turned down two buyers and a seller because I knew that what they were asking me to do for them wasn’t in their best interests.
That’s the guidance we provide. My goal is to make a difference in people’s lives. Watching The Big Short reminded me how often people work to make decisions based on their own self-interests instead of their clients’. My firm doesn’t have customers; a customer is someone who buys a service or a good. My firm has clients. To us, a client is someone who’s in our care and who we have a fiduciary responsibility to.
My firm doesn’t have customers; we have clients.
If you ever do business with my firm and you’re not happy with something, please pick up the phone and call me. I promise that I will make it right.
Thanks again for a great year, and I look forward to 2017. If there’s anything we can do to help you, just give us a call. Have a great holiday season!
Thank you for sharing. Happy Holidays!