Today, I have an exciting announcement that wouldn’t have been made possible without your incredible support.
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The nationwide Wall Street Journal rankings of the top 1,000 real estate teams in the country came out a few weeks ago, and I am excited to announce that we are ranked 181 in the country. This may not seem too great, but when you look at the hard working teams we’re ranked with, you’ll see that it is quite the accomplishment.
Last week, the new state rankings came out, and I’m proud to say that our 12-person team was ranked third in the entire state of New York. I want to say thank you to everyone who supposed us last year, and I appreciate each and every one of you.
I’m so proud of the work that my team has done over the last year. Each member has exhibited a great work ethic and I couldn’t be more proud.
Our phenomenal service comes down to one core value that we all take very seriously: clients first. There’s a difference between a customer and a client, and we don’t treat our clients like customers. My team and I don’t base our commission around what unnecessary extra things we can sell you.
A client is different than a customer. A customer is a consumer of goods, and they buy a product or a service. If you walk into my office, you become a client. This creates a fiduciary bond that we have a duty to protect you and give you advice as professionals. You can trust that we will put your needs above our own.
I think that this attitude of putting our clients first is what sets us apart and pushed us up in the statewide rankings—because we treat you as clients, not customers. So again, thank you.
If you walk into my office, you become a client.
Finally, our newest Barbara Corcoran commercial is just out, and we’re excited to show that to you as well.
If you have any questions at all or you’re looking to buy or sell a home, please give us a call. We look forward to working with you.
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