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Kevin Clancy Reviews Jamie And Dan Lagoy

"I thought Kevin was very, very professional. I feel like he sold my house in a very reasonable time-frame. We got the price we wanted for the house, which I think is the most important in the time-frame in which we wanted to sell the home in as well. I feel like he set himself up for success with listing our home at the appropriate price and he advertised as much as he could right from the get go! I feel like he goes full-force to begin with, rather than doing a 'so-so' job at the beginning and then trying to figure out, 'how can I sell this house' - he just right from the get go put all he could into it. From the beginning he did the best he could for us. I'd actually say our agent through Kevin that we purchased a house through was absolutely amazing - he has gone above and beyond, he's still in contact with us. I'd highly recommend him when purchasing a home!"

-Jamie And Dan Lagoy, Buyer 

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